The purpose of this Strategic Summit is to renew the regional vision, to have a time of encouragement, celebration and connection between trainers, coaches and catalyst leaders of the city as well as their wives, it would be wonderful if you could be with us so that together we can dream, share and reflect about the challenges that God has for us as a Team.

God is developing a regional movement of the Gospel in the Leading Cities of Latin America and it is evident that he has called you to be part of this great movement of the great gospel of Christ.

As City to City Latin America we want each one of us involved in this movement to also see ourselves as a great community of leaders with a passion and deep love for Christ, the cities and the extension of the Kingdom of God.

event information:

City to City Latin America, will support with the cost of lodging for the two nights, breakfasts and lunches for you and your wife.

Start of the event: September 27 at 6:00 pm

End of the event: September 29 at 1:00 pm, we will provide the closing lunch.

Confirmation deadline for the event: July 8 (please include if you come with your wife or alone).